Invisible Beauty Design©
Invisible Beauty Design©
Microbes figuratively, nevrotransmitter and some more art

Invisible Beauty Design
Randi Bruaset was born and raised near Molde.
Moved to Kråkerøy in 1976.
Within the arts, she has always had multiple interests,
strongest in dance and drama.
In recent years, through her education she
came into close contact with microbes.
Microbes and their invisible world has fascinated her
to the extent that in 2001 she established her own company, Invisible Beauty Design. Invisible Beauty Design, accounts for electron microscopic images microbial transferred to different materials, with artistic freedom.
She is responsible for the idea, design, craft and development.
The series designs are copyrighted .
Invisible Beauty Design's first product was a glass dish.
Her glass work can be found in the workshop,
located in Bjøstadveien 13, Kråkerøy, Norway and Inspiria science center, Grålum, Norway.
New products are in development.
Manufacturers are:
Randi Bruaset, Kråkerøy
Glasshytta AS, Gamle Fredrikstad
Juvel AS, Fredrikstad
Tekstiltrykk AS, Sellebakk
Randi Bruaset, Bjølstadveien 13, 1671 Kråkerøy, Norway
Tlf.: +47 92 89 40 64